President:Khyber Abdullah Sani

Peshawar, Tel: 91- 571-1299

Mobile Tel: 0300-592-1101

Vice President: Sakhi Afridi

Mobile Tel: o321-901-5359

General Secretary: Zafar Mahmud

Peshawar, Tel: 91-224-5900

Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa

These areas of our great homeland are inhabited by those with unmatched and unparalleled qualities and characteristics of talent, skill, hardworking, perseverance and loyalty to the land.  They form a major and most valuable part of our human resources.

Under the Grand Infrastructure Development Plan, all the basic amenities of life will be provided in their close vicinity with easy and swift access to major cities and towns.  They will be fully facilitated to join the mainstream of national economy and prosper along with the whole nation.



  1. fida muhammad shah

    salam, hw r u frnds, i studied allama perwaiz almost all books, i also member of jpp. i run a compain for a candidate from jpp in dist mardan,

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